III. Wallet Setting

How many crypto currency does MAS Pay wallet support?
MAS Pay wallet supports various wallet type such as bitcoin, etheric currency, and stablecoin. Various types of wallets can be added with multiple sets of wallets in the same currency, and the wallet type-1 and wallet type will be sequentially The list of 2 methods lists, and more new currency wallets will be opened in the future.

How to create a new wallet?
Click the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of the wallet page, select “Add Wallet”, add a BTC wallet or ETH wallet, and the added wallet will be displayed in the wallet of the individual currency.

How to change the name of user’s wallet?
The added wallet will be stored in the same currency wallet category. Please select the type of wallet you want to modify and click on the wallet address. Then click the gear icon in the upper right corner. For example, click BTC Wallet on the homepage of the wallet, select the first set of wallet address, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page, and then click the thicker black font of BTC Wallet to start changing the name of the wallet.

How to delete the wallet?
If you want to delete the new wallet, click the currency wallet address you want to delete, click the gear icon in the upper right corner, and click the red prompt “Delete Wallet” to delete the wallet you don’t want to use again.

How to transfer assets from other crypto currency wallets?
Users can select the “+” symbol in the upper right corner of the wallet page, select “Use identity QR code”, scan the wallet QR code of other platforms to import the wallet, or select “Use wallet private key” to select the type of wallet to be imported. Select the scan code icon in the upper right corner, scan the QR code of other platform wallets or read the stored other wallet QR code images for import.

Can assets in MAS Pay transfer to other crypto currency wallets?
Yes. MAS Pay wallet transceiver is based on blockchain network and can be forwarded to other addresses.

Stablecoin (USDT) transfer
The transfer and collection of stablecoin is the same as that of other currency wallet transfer and collection operations. The only difference is that the stablecoin has a basis based on the Bitcoin and Ethereum agreements, so the two cannot transfer each other. Simply put, If you want to transfer money or collect money, click on the stablecoin type wallet on the homepage of the wallet, and then choose to use BTC or ETH to operate. In this step, if you choose BTC, you can only transfer or collect bitcoin. Otherwise, only You can transfer or collect the Ethercoin. After selecting the category, select the wallet you want to operate and click on the option you want to operate in your assets. If you want to transfer the funds, click the transfer, fill in the amount, address and password. To complete the transfer, to receive the payment, click the payment button and share the QR code or address displayed on the screen with the payer.

Does USDT transfer also require GAS fee?
The stored USDT is based on the Omni protocol and will be stored at the address of Bitcoin. Therefore, a small amount of bitcoin is required to be paid as a miner’s fee when transferring funds. At least 0.0002 bitcoin needs to be recharged to the same wallet address as a miner’s fee. There is enough miner’s fee. After that, you can transfer out the USDT. Conversely, if the USDT based on ERC-20 is transferred, ETH is required as a miner’s fee.

Will the USDT transfer generate a BTC transfer while transferring funds at the same time?
The USDT is a cryptocurrency issued by the BTC blockchain. In order to avoid the delay of the BTC block operation by a small amount of transactions each time, each time a USDT transfer is initiated, a small amount of BTC transfer is generated.

When the USDT is transferring, how many BTCs should there be in the same wallet address?
To transfer any USDT, plus the required miner’s fee, the wallet must have at least 0.002 BTCs in the same address to ensure the transfer is successful. At the same time, after receiving the USDT transfer, the payee will receive the same BTC wallet address as the payment address. A minimum amount of BTC transfer will also be received.

How long does it take for the transfer of USDT to arrive?
USDT transfers will be affected by network conditions and miners’ fees. Higher miners’ fees will shorten the trading hours. If you want to speed up the transaction, it is recommended to increase the miners’ fees.

What if the first transaction has not yet arrived, can the second one be transferred successfully?
According to the current design logic, the first transfer will occupy UTXO (unconsumed transaction output) until the transfer is successful, and the quota will be released. It is recommended that the first USDT transfer be successful before the second one is operated.

The wallet can’t find out other new cryptocurrency for token?
MAS Pay wallet will automatically display the Token icon of the imported wallet, no need to increase on user’s own. If the wallet can’t display the icon that means current wallet does not support this currency. The wallet will support more after the update.

Can’t transfer successfully?
Please confirm that the transfer address is correct and that the same currency transfer address or miner fee is sufficient. Insufficient miners may also be a factor leads to unsuccessful transfer.

What should I do if I forget my wallet password?
The only way to re-create the password is to delete the app or delete the account in settings, and then reset the new wallet password by “QR code recovery”. User only needs to follow the instructions on the page, you can import the previous wallet record to new device.
◎Before deleting the APP or account information, you must back up the wallet information previously.

What kind of currency is the wallet used as the unit?
The system is initially based on CNY (RMB) as the display unit. Users can select the basic settings of the gear icon, click on “Denomination Currency” and click TWD or USD as the pricing unit.

Cryptocurrency fluctuates at any time.
MAS Pay wallet converts user’s assets directly into the set total amount of the pricing unit and display it in the wallet. Since the cryptocurrency will fluctuate at any time, the total amount displayed will be different, not means the asset being stolen.

How does MAS Pay wallet ensure the safety of user funds?
MASFi  has a professional team of engineers. The official team also provides security protection for the wallet. In addition, the private key of wallet will only be stored on the client. Only when the transaction is needed will the user enter the password for login. We MAS Pay wallet suggests users reserve and save important information such as wallets and private keys properly.