The Declaration Of MAS Capital Fintech

The Declaration
MAS Capital Fintech




During the digital technology age, it becomes necessary of us to band together, in order to build a great next generation financial institution.


We seek to provide “Maximum Access to Capital” for our corporate and individual clients and “Maximum Access to Wealth” for our team members, including shareholders, partners, managers, associates and strategic partners.


Starting with corporate financial advisory services, we will enter private equity fund management, secondary market fund management, and wealth management businesses, utilizing financial technologies, including Wall Street financial skills, mobile Internet, artificial intelligence, block chain, big data, clouds etc.


MAS Capital –“mas” in Spanish means more or a lot. We chose the “名资” Chinese translation, based on both the English meaning and the sound, which means well-known or famous capital to stress the value of our capital. MAS Capital is both tangible capital, such as cash, and marketable securities, and intangible capital such as intellectual capital, capital market operating, entrepreneurial and management skills, our integrity and our established relationships.

MAS Capital – 西班牙语中的“mas”意味着更多。我们选择了“名资”为其中文译名,基于西班牙文的意义和声音,意思是驰名或著名的资本来强调我们的资本价值。名资既是有形资本,如现金,有价证券,也包括无形的智慧资本,资本市场运作、创业与管理技能、,我们的诚信和我们已经建立的关系。

In our pursuit of wealth, we must also contribute to the growth, prosperity and harmony of the world. Our activities will affect many people’s lives and livelihood, so we must stand on a high moral ground, follow the Tao and gain not only material, but also spiritual wealth, during our earthly journey.


We shall follow the teachings of great leaders of the past, present and future to guide us in attaining our goals. Because our present executive team members are mostly American and/or Chinese, naturally we will be biased in our thinking with both positive and negative American and Chinese culture influences. We must keep our mind open, our spirit high, our attitude correct, our moral right and our aggression extreme for our earthly conquest, without loosing our own spirituality! Greed is good, only if the force of desire is rightly applied. Self conquest is the most difficult!
